Saturday, August 05, 2006

no rest.

Man, it has just not slowed down at all. But in two weeks we are going on vacation! I can't wait. It is my parent's 45th anniversary - crazy right? So we are (all of us, parents, brother, and the three of us) going to Kauai, hurray! Although honestly I have not been on a vacation with my parents since I was a kid, it should be a big adventure.

And here are my presents from my One Skein secret pal - now that I have finally managed to post them...

The dark blue one is her own handspun - it is super soft - and they both came in a fabulous flowery package. I love that.

How about that? Cute sock yarn and a pattern! Thanks pal!

And I did just start another pair of socks, toe up this time. I never would have thought I would like knitting socks. Turns out.

Okay, that's it for now - Z and I need to go to the fabric store, she's taking a sewing class, and they are starting on Halloween costumes today(which means that this year I am off the hook!). Some things are better learned from people who are not your mom, apparently, and sewing is the first on that list. But she just finished her second project which is the greatest pair of pajama pants. I'll have to post a picture of those. The first thing she made was a pillow, the best part of which was her fabric choice -

Hilarious. It's a rock pillow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool rock pillow!

Glad you like your stuff; and your new socks look awesome!

I'm still working on your project--it'll be done before the end of august, but I'm waiting to be away from the killer kitty cat before I do much more knitting on it, or it will be a felted mess rather rather than the nice present I intended. We're leaving (without kitty) for my inlaws' home this friday, and I'll work on it as soon as I have some butt time--but not in the car. I get carsick, and that would be icky. :)

Your One Skein Pal (Saranam)

10:13 AM  

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