Friday, June 23, 2006

work and not much else.

This happens every year - summer is always always the most busy season, when I really least want to work. Unless you count Thanksgiving through New Years, I'm generally slammed then too... The movie industry really does not take in to consideration the lives and schedules of people (unless they are actors), but this is not complaining, merely observing. There are many good things which balance out the less good things. For example, I get to build really cool things all day, and I do not have to sit still or stay clean or primp in the morning. And Zoe loves to tell her friends that her mom is a carpenter - very fun when having career day at school - and that I worked on Lemony Snicket(and some other fun stuff).

On a knitting note, remember that yarn I bought? Well, I started a pair of socks - or at least the first one.

I've never knit socks before - it has always seemed like a lot of work for the payoff, and once you knit one, well you've kind of done it already, you know? So this is a challenge for me. I will finish the pair. And maybe next time I'll do both socks at once.


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